Friday 11 November 2011

Contention Ratios

Twitter:- @HySpeedBB
Facebook:- HySpeed Broadband

We will now enter the wonderfully confusing world of Contention ratios. I hope you all enjoy. Makes you think really...where are these big brands cutting costs? and why does Call of Duty always slow down during peak times!!!....but that's enough about that. enjoy....written by Stephen.

Contention ratio is number of people who are sharing your bandwidth. All but the most expensive (and we mean really expensive!)  internet connections use contention. Suppliers of land line, satellite, cable and mobile systems use contention to make their offerings more affordable.  This means that they rely on not everybody using the connection at the same time. You may feel you are getting a raw deal if you have to share bandwidth that you have paid for.  A high contention ratio will mean that you

All but the most expensive broadband connections share bandwidth, and rely on users not to all use their connection at the same time. It may seem unfair, but this applies for any form of broadband connection - landline, satellite, 3g, WiMax - all use contention to reduce the cost to the end user and to allow more efficient use of their expensive equipment.

Good Afternoon from the Hyspeed team and happy 11/11/11

Twitter:- @HySpeedBB
Facebook:- HySpeed Broadband

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